Gerhard: "I heard you past the test on Kopasus. There so much people fail on that                     on that test. How can you do that?
Ishmat.  : "Because I training hard everyday so that I can past the test"
Gerhard: "Really? Just hard working. Don't you use money or try to get close to                         the senior or your trainer?"
Ishmat.  : "No,no,no! You now I was a good guy"
Gerhard: "Liar do you remember you often pass your class, smoking and the                             other?"
Ishmat.  : "You now people can change?
Gerhard: "Of course I know but i don't know you can change that fast"
Ishmat.  : "Because not only strong physical is needed durung the test but your                            character id needed too"
Gerhard: "Wow you really change from mischievous boy to a good and wise boy.                        And you physical is change too
Ishmat.  : "Thanks"
Gerhard: "Ok let's eat at restaurant to celebrate your graduation"
Ishmat.  : "Ok, let's go!"
    After eating
Ishmat.  : "Ahhh, I was so full, btw what's your job right now?"
Gerhard: "Me?I was scientist in NASA"
Ishmat.  : "Wow amazing, congratulation I know you a genius in science in our                            class but i don't think you can go that for"
Gerhard: "Is really hard you know but I like science since I was little, it getting                           late I have to work tommorow. I think I must to go home."
Ishmat.  : "Ok see you next time"


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